Deutz-Fahr 115G tractor de ruedas

≈ 42.110.000 ARS
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Esta es la forma más habitual de fraude. Ciertos vendedores pueden requerir una cantidad del pago por adelantado en concepto de «reserva» de su compra. Así, los estafadores perciben grandes cantidades de dinero y después desaparecen sin dejar huella.
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We sell brand new Deutz-Fahr AGROFARM 115G DT 4wd tractors to most of the world
however they cannot be sold for use in EU markets. We have them in stock with the following specifications. 340/85R28 and 420/85R38 tire mounting and front fenders on. Full front weights on. In the back there are 3 double-acting remote outlets
and a hydraulic carriage brake valve and fork lift. It has air conditioning inside the cabin. The gearbox is 40 km/h 5 speed gearbox 30F+30R
mechanical reverse gear and it has crawler gear
We live in Denmark only 78km from the Danish-German border crossing in Flensburg and only 38km from Billund Airport - BLL. You are very welcome to come and visit us
then you can see the machine physically for yourself. If you wish
we will be happy to send a lot of pictures and video of it on Wats-App or email. Just contact us on wats-app number mostrar contactos or email mostrar contactos
4 cylinder Turbocharged Intercooler
engine with 4000 cm³ capacity
Max. power (2000/25/CE): 110 HP/81 kW
100 % biodiesel fuel. Liquid/oil
cooled engine. Engine/transmission
oil cooler. Engine stop with start key
Fuel tank capacity: 150 l
Hydrostatically operated dry disc clutch
Electrohydraulically operated multi-disc
oil-immersed PTO clutch
Electroydraulic front and rear
differential lock. Meccanically operated
4WD engagement. Hydrostatic steering
with independent pump and double
steering cylinder. Lifting capacity: 4800
kg. Lateral gear
Powertrain standard sealing
all 4 wheels with oil-immersed disc brakes
without separate brake valve
Dust cover protection screen for radiator
Pre-heating system
Vertical exhaust pipe on cab post
8" air filter with dust ejector
Without air cleaner extension
ELECTRONIC engine management
Battery: 12V - 100Ah - 1000A (EN) / 650A
(IEC) / 560A (DIN)
Front headlights for right-hand traffic
Without front work lights on indicators
Engine (not for EU markets)
Open centre hydraulic system with constant
pump (56 l/min)
Without front linkage
Three-point linkage with fixed upper and
lower links
Mechanical rear lift
Mechanical right tie rod and stabilizers
Telescopic stabilizers
Tilting and telescopic steering column
Seat (FABRIC) (narrow mechanical
adjustable seat position
document holder
upper backrest extension)
Telescopic external mirrors
4 pillars original soundproofed Cab
ventilation and heating system
2 wide
front and rear opening windscreen
tinted glass
2 front + 2 rear work
rear exit for cables
pre-arrangement for 2 rotary beacons
ambience lights
parcel tray
Digital display: working hours
PTO speed
covered distance
Without FOPS protection
Removable PTO shaft
Without ground speed PTO
Rear PTO: 540-1000
Without specialization
Standard specs
English OECD plates
Warning plates
Transmission 40 km/h
5 speed gearbox 30F+30R
Rear mudguard extensions
Tyres Brand supplied by Factory
AQ029 Cab with standard roof
rear wiper
curtain (without radio
GP208 3 rear distributors with flow
regulator and quick couplers
(KO + Detend + Float)
RF526 Tyres: 340/85 R28 (13.6 R28)
420/85 R38 (16.9 R38)rear
TC026 User manual
VB001 Battery isolator switch
VF014 Rotary beacon
WE003 Front steering mudguards
YA107 Front weight frame (20 kg) with
hitch + 8 front weights (320
kg). Total 340 kg
YM135 Swinging drawbar cat."A" + PTO
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