El anuncio FSI D30-470 destoconadora en venta por subasta se ha vendido y no está incluido en la búsqueda.
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FSI D30-470 destoconadora
FSI D30-470 destoconadora
FSI D30-470 destoconadora imagen 2
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Marca:  FSI
Modelo:  D30-470
Tipo:  destoconadora
Año de fabricación:  2013
Horas de trabajo:  573 m/h
Peso neto:  725 kg
Ubicación:  Noruega Meldal
Fecha de publicación:  20 sept 2024
Agronetto ID:  TJ42291
Subasta:  1
Fecha de ejecución:  2024-09-16 10:00
Fecha de finalización:  2024-09-24 10:00
Estado:  usados

Información adicional — FSI D30-470 destoconadora

Important sales information
Seller information
Denne auksjon er opprettet av Kristoffer Kvassman på vegne av selger.
For spørsmål kontakt kristoffer.kvassman@retrade.eu
Utlevering av objekt må avtales direkte med selger minst 1 dag på forhand.
Kjøper alternativt transportselskap er ansvarlig for lasting av objekt hvis ikke selger har mulighet å bistå. Korrekte transportdokument er et krav for å få hente kjøpt objekt.
This auction is created by Kristoffer Kvassman on behalf of the seller.
For questions contact kristoffer.kvassman@retrade.eu
Delivery of the Lot must be agreed directly with the seller at least 1 day in advance.
The buyer or the transport company is responsible for loading the object if the seller is not able to assist.
Correct documents for transport is required before collection of object can take place.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
CE-marked: Yes
Hours Date: 19 Aug 2024
Asset overall condition: Fully functional during last use
Seller / Auction broker: Kristoffer Kvassman
Location: Meldal, Norway
Informasjon hentet fra Akershustraktor https://tinyurl.com/3mh53h6t
Stubbefreser med 2WD og bensinmotor
All betjening av stubbefreseren utføres ved hjelp av det dreibare betjeningspanelet
slik at opratøren kan stå bak maskinen under drift og bevege seg mot arbeidsstetdet
og betjeningspanelet kan dreies under stubbefresing slik at man kan få god oversikt over stubben under freseprosessen. Svinghastigheten kan også styres fra betjeningspanelet
El start av motor
FSI Power Clutch
elektro hydraulisk kobling med integrert bremser
Hurtig nedbremsing av freseskive
Reimdrift for optimal kraftoverføring
2x svingsylinder for stabil sving av freserhodet
Spesialdesignet 2-delt freseskive for optimal kapasitet og holdbarhet
90 graders svingbart panel for god sikt til freseområdet
All betjening samlet et sted
Sikkerhetsbøyle for optimal sikkerhet
maskinen stopper hvis operatør forlater stubbefreseren
Løfteøyer og lasteøyer
LED arbeidslys
Verktøysett for skifte av slitedeler
Følger med nå nye fresetenner og tannholdere
Husqvarna SG13
Skal starte å fungere som tenkt men var ikke bensin på for mulighet til å starte
Skal følge med noe deler
Kan leveres Berkåk etter avtale
Information retrieved from Akershustraktor https://tinyurl.com/3mh53h6t
Stump Grinder with 2WD and Gasoline Engine
All operation of the stump grinder is performed using the swivel control panel
allowing the operator to stand behind the machine during operation and move towards the work area. The control panel can be swiveled during grinding
providing a good view of the stump during the grinding process. The swing speed can also be controlled from the control panel
Electric start for the engine
FSI Power Clutch
electro-hydraulic clutch with integrated brakes
Quick braking of the grinding disc
Belt drive for optimal power transmission
2x swing cylinders for stable swinging of the grinder head
Specially designed two-part grinding disc for optimal capacity and durability
90-degree swiveling panel for clear visibility of the grinding area
All controls are centralized in one place
the control panel
Safety bar for optimal safety
the machine stops if the operator leaves the stump grinder
Lifting and loading eyes
LED work lights
Toolset for changing wear parts
Comes with new grinding teeth and tooth holders
Husqvarna SG13
Should start and function as intended
but there was no gasoline to start it. Some parts are supposed to be included
Mostrar todo el comentario
FSI destoconadoras
Resultados de la búsqueda: 4 anuncios